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The AI-powered platform to modernize art evaluation

Bart is modernizing the Art space by offering digital artists new evaluation tools, including modern AI tools that can analyze digital art. This allows artists to understand the true value of their work. At Bart, AI meets NFT to give both new and existing artists an objective way to evaluate their work with NFTs securing these evaluations on the blockchain.

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Empowering Artistry, Unleashing Value


Providing artists with cutting-edge evaluation tools


Ensuring artists attain their work's true value


Connecting art with the NFT world for secure evaluations


Leading the industry into a new era of art evaluation

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About Our Company

At Bart, our mission is to help artists around the world by changing how art is evaluated. By using modern AI tools and NFT technology, we offer a way for artists to get an unbiased assessment of their work, and then preserve this value on the blockchain. This type of an objective valuation approach is critical, especially for emerging artists who often face unfair evaluations of their artwork. With AI's ability to analyze millions of artworks, we're using this power to provide a fair and objective value for each piece of art.


In the ever-changing landscape of art and technology, Bart stands as a practical solution for artists. We know that art is more than just a visual display; it's a representation of ideas and feelings. That's why Bart offers digital creators user-friendly evaluation tools that help them see the true value of their creative work. This includes using modern AI tools that can analyze millions of artworks to provide objective evaluations.

Our platform is a place for both artists and art lovers, offering tools to help creators understand the worth of their work. We're more than just a service; we build a worldwide community that values and supports all forms of artistic expression.

Bart's dedication to innovation, honesty, and fairness is present in all we do. By using modern AI tools and blockchain technologies, we provide an environment where creativity can grow freely. We offer an objective value for the work that can be stored on the blockchain, ensuring that artists receive the recognition they deserve.

How it works
Professional Team

Meet Our Team

Ilya Gut

Founder and Director

Evgeny Kuritsyn

Chief Operating Officer

Maksim Zakharov

Chief Technology Officer
Leo Tagin

Leo Tagin

Head of Design